Approve Your Site

, Approve Your Site, Odysys
  • Starting with your primary domain, list all domains you'd like to use for this site. All domains following the primary, will forward to the primary. (If you ALREADY have domain forwarding setup, or only have one domain, just list your primary domain)
    , Approve Your Site, Odysys


Can I make changes after going live?

Of course! With our site builder tool, changes are easy to make. We provide weekly training webinars on how to use the site builder tool, we have robust support documentation for common site builder tasks, and our in-app support is always there to help you make changes to your site. Your account manager will provide you with all the information you need to use Odysys.

Do you provide training for making changes to the site?

Most definitely! Sign up for our FREE training webinar here. We will remind you about these training webinars and provide a link again after you log in to your updated Odysys account.

How long does it take to set the site live?

It depends on your web domain host. (GoDaddy, HostGator, GoogleDomains, etc.) It can take up to 24-48 hours for a site to fully propagate.

Odysys is asking me for my DNS hosting Info - Is this legit? 

Yes - Your website will be moved to new servers and we will need your DNS information as a part of that process. More information about the process and how to find your DNS Host/Domain Registrar info is available here.

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