, 25 Things to Post on Social Media, Odysys

June 18, 2015

25 Things to Post on Social Media

Social media can be a powerful way to connect with guests. But it requires regular upkeep and no small amount of inspiration. Let’s face it: Sometimes, the creative juices just don’t flow.

Signs that you need a social media jumpstart: Your last blog post was about Thanksgiving—and it’s June. You share Facebook posts from your local CVB so often that your page might as well be theirs.

The challenge is in coming up with something to post on a regular basis. So here are 25 social media posts to get you through at least a month.

We also listed the recommended platforms for each post:

F = Facebook

B = Blog

P = Pinterest

T = Twitter

I = Instagram

Of course, you can simplify or expand these ideas to work on just about any platform.

No excuses now—get posting!

1. How your property got its name (B, F)

Is your property named after a person, a pet, a landmark? Were there other names in contention? Is there a funny story associated (like with the Stone Chalet)? If you don’t know the origin, have some fun and ask your fans how they think the place got its name.

Stone Chalet blog post


2. Happy National X Day! (B, F, T)

There’s at least one silly holiday for each day of the year. Wish your followers a Happy _____ Day (like the Camellia Inn did for National Donut Day).

Camellia Inn Donut Day


3. Behind-the-scenes photo (F, T, I)

You know those daily behind-the-scenes tasks you do to keep your property up and running? Share them! Snap a picture of a room being made up, yardwork, cooking, or remodeling (like the Peerless Hotel, below). Bonus: Trying to capture a good picture of somehow makes work more fun.

Instagram photo by Peerless Hotel & Restaurant


4. Meet a staff member (B, F)

Let guests get to know your staff members (like the RimRock Inn did, below). Create a short Q&A for employees to fill out, and post answers with a photo of the person. Questions can be serious or silly, from “When did you start working here?” to “Who’s your favorite Beatle?”

Rimrock Staff


5. Photo of food at your property or nearby restaurant (F, T, I, P)

Get stomachs rumbling with a mouthwatering photo (like the Bluenose Inn's restaurant, below). If you don’t serve food, share something from an area eatery you recommend.

Bar Harbor lobster mac


6. A local reading list (B, F, T, P)

Create a list of novels and/or or non-fiction books set in your location (like the Sunset Marine Resort did). Ask your followers for suggestions too!

Sunset Marine Resort books


7. Throwback photo (B, F, T, I)

Dig up an old photo of your property or (if you’re brave) yourself—the older, the better! Here's a great example from the Mohonk Mountain House.

Mohonk Mountain House '60s


8. An upcoming local event (B, F, T)

Talk up the biggest annual festival or a little-known event. Add a link for people to learn more, and get them thinking about traveling to your local. Remember to post well in advance of the event (before you're booked)! See what the FivePine Lodge did:

FivePine Lodge post


9. Packing tips (B, F, T, P)

What should guests remember to pack when they come to visit you? Tailor this post to the season, if applicable.

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10. Ask what their vacation plans are for the next season (F, T)

Get people thinking about taking a trip (preferable to stay with you!). Timing is important here. For example, ask about summer plans in the spring, like the Aurora Hotel did in this post from May.

Aurora Hotel and Spa post


11. Share a guest review (F, T)

It’s a nice way to thank guests for positive feedback, while simultaneously sharing how great your property is (see how the Balch Hotel did it, below).

Balch Hotel Blog


12. Ask a question/take a poll (B, F, T)

Get your fans engaged by posing a question: Favorite breakfast food? Best place to watch the sunset?

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13. A little-known fact about your property (B, F, I)

People like to feel they’re being “let in” on something. Give them a piece of information they can get only from you, like this neat factoid from The Paramount Hotel.

Portland Paramount Instagram


14. Something fun to do in your location (B, F, T, P)

Think details: Instead of “hiking,” make a post about a specific trail. Or, share a link to a local tour guide or rental company. Below, the Adobe Agave blogged about a specific stargazing site.

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15. Ask how your fans found out about your property (F, T)

Was it Google, brochure, word-of-mouth? Asking this question is a great way to spark memories and stories from guests, plus, it’s valuable data for you.

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16. A photo taken by a guest (F, T, I)

Share a photo of your property not taken by you. Be respectful and ask the photographer for permission first, and always give them photo credit. Below, the Trumbull House B&B shows how it's done.

Trumbull House Bed & Breakfast


17. Why you love your location (B, F)

There’s a reason you set up shop where you did. Share what it is that you love best about your town, region, or state.

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18. A recipe from you or a local restaurant (B, F, T, P)

Let your guests get a taste of vacation at home (like the scrumptious example from the Big Mill B&B, below). Don’t forget the photo!

Big Mill B&B recipe


19. Historical photo of your area (B, F, T)

We’re talking old. how what the area used to look like decades ago. Historical societies, colleges, and your library are good sources for finding such photos (like the 1905 image shared by Lehrkind Mansion, below). Remember to give photo credit as appropriate.

Lehrkind Mansion B&B post


20. Share and answer an FAQ (B, F)

What questions do you hear most often from guests? Answer it, and give an explanation.

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21. An inspirational travel quote (F, I, T, P)

There are different apps that let you add text to a photo. These “inspiration” posts are easy to make, and to share (below, a lovely example by The Inn San Francisco).

The Inn San Francisco post


22. Something new in your area (B, F, T)

What’s changed in your location in the past 12 months, or is changing now? Let your followers know there’s a reason to visit you again (like the Pine Ridge Inn, below).

Pine Ridge Inn post


23. A photo of an interesting detail from your property (F, T, I, P)

Zoom in on a piece of art, a flower in the garden, an interesting architectural detail (like Heceta Head Lightstation B&B, below). Variation: Get really close and then see if people can guess what it is that you’ve photographed.

Heceta Head LIghtstation B&B post


24. Sunrise/sunset photo from your property or area (F, T, I)

Everyone loves a beautiful sunset or sunrise, as the MD Resort demonstrates.

MD Resort post


25. Thank your guests and fans (F, T)

A heartfelt “thank you” is always appreciated.

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An Epic List of Things to Post on Social MediaDownload our Epic List of 50 Things to Post to Social Media

50 fresh, interesting ideas of things to post to your social media accounts

Download the checklist and start getting more engagement in social media.



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